HeaderOptions-2All too often my weeks are filled with non-stop events, meetings, staying on top of my workload and the gym. I love what I do, but sometimes a girl just needs to relax and recharge! I have really begun to value the importance of a work/life balance. In the social media and fashion worlds it is really easy to get burned out and start dreading activities that used to be fun. To help me stay grounded, I have begun to carve out time during my weekends to enjoy a few activities that I really enjoy where I can ‘unplug’ and enjoy my surroundings.

By creating a weekend ‘to-do’ list so to speak,  I still feel productive and don’t just waste precious time laying around the house, and trying to decide what to do! I also try not to pack my weekend too full so I actually enjoy what I am doing instead of rushing from one thing to the next, just to get it all done. One of the coolest things about a new city is discovering new weekend rituals, and re-discovering old ones.

Here are my top 5:

The Farmers Markets: I love going to farmers markets and picking out fresh flowers! They are usually waaay cheaper than the grocery store and the selection can be insane! I also love finding fresh produce like heirloom tomatoes and watermelons, as well as cheese and new fun foods to try in the kitchen. If you live in San Diego, you can find a farmers market close to you by clicking here.

Coffee Shops: I think its pretty obvious by my IG that I am addicted to Coffee, but I also LOVE the atmosphere and aroma of coffee shops! Plus…let’s just be honest…I’m a blogger so needless to say discovering new cool haunts that serve up yummy lattes, free wi-fi and fellow coffee addicts is a favorite past-time. A few of my fave spots that I have found around town are are Up2You Cafe, Bird Rock, and James Coffee Company in Little Italy. Next on my list is Influx, I hear its pretty good!

Yoga: During the week I am pretty hardcore about my workouts at Art of Eight Training. I like to mix it up so I take a mix of boxing and kickboxing classes which vary in intensity. On the weekends I like to get grounded, and keep things a bit more mellow and so I practice to yoga instead. It is a great way to get in a good stretch, unplug from the world, and get a mental workout out in as well. I love going to Yoga in the Park, which is at Balboa Park on Sundays at 11, it is free to the public (yay!) and is the perfect pre-farmers market activity.

Brunch: I LOVE brunch! Relishing in good company and a bottle of bubbly has become one of my favorites parts of the week! My absolute fave brunch spot is Breakfast Republic in North Park. They have a great patio, Croque Madame and great service–perfect for a lazy start to the day. I have also been dying to try Chloé’s downtown, they also have Croque Madame which if you couldn’t tell is pretty much my favorite brunch dish besides a traditional eggs benny.

The Beach: One of the biggest reasons I moved to San Diego is the beach — I am a totally water baby! My fave beach town is La Jolla because there is so much variety. You can enjoy Cody’s for brunch, then get some gelato at Bobby’s and go for a nice walk along the cove.  Within a 5 minute drive you also have La Jolla Shores where you can BBQ on the beach, go surfing or enjoy some greasy pizza and fro-yo as the sun sets. Not bad.

What are your weekend rituals? Find me on twitter @chicdisheveled!

