Before my last trip out to Cabo I realized something…I have no shoes! Okay, okay…so I have roughly 50 or so pairs but I only wear 4 of them! (Yes, there are those few pairs that are so beautiful that I am completely satisfied just looking at them on my shelf, only to be worn if I know I will be consuming enough champagne to make them remotely a comfortable as I tell people they are), but for the most part I have been in a total shoe rut.

Luckily I realized this with enough time to do something drastic, so I got a bin and began to throw shoes around like the guys at the Fish Market in Pike Place. By the time I was done, I was down to roughly 16 pairs of shoes (including the sky scrapers and my running shoes). Before I set out to find some replacements I decided to make a list. From time to time I make the rookie move where I will buy shoes because they are ‘pretty’ not because I will wear them.

Since my new job entails hoofing it through Mexico not even wedges sounded appealing..my focus was on one thing, flats. I had noticed a majority of the locals run around in sandals so I decided to take a page from their book. As I set out I wasn’t in the mood to break the bank because these shoes will more than likely get trashed within the span of three months so I headed to TJ Maxx to find my inner Maxxinista.

Much to my delight I found a carts worth (yes I am serious) of flat sandals to try on. I narrowed it down to two pairs, one a caged sandal that screams sophistication, the other was a slip on sandal that looked like it was one embellishment away from hideous, but yet I found them oddly appealing. They have a western flair and are super comfortable. Since I was at TJ Maxx and the total between the two was less than $50 I settled on both and went on my way.

Ultimately, I love them both and am totally stoked on my decision to go for the flair. What are your go to shoes in the Summatime?!
