With SXSW wrapping up and Coachella right around the corner, festival season is upon us! This has become just as, if not more exciting than Fashion Week in terms of street style. Like Fashion Week, festival fashion is an arena where pretty much anything goes. You score points based on striking the perfect balance between creativity, originality and function.

As I was flipping through the pages of March Vogue I came across a frenzie of festival inspo (pick up a copy if you still can!). For starters, there was the 70’s throwback editorial featuring Taylor Swift and Karlie Kloss on a road trip. Perfection. But what really caught my eye was the spread Light Brigade by Peter Lindbergh featuring amazing white laces dresses and straw hats in a desert scene. Having spent the past 6 years in Arizona I had to abandon my monogamous relationship with black in the Summer and adopt lighter fabrics, hence I have become particularly fond of is the Little White Dress.

I love how uncomplicated the look is, which ultimately means more time to have fun! To stay worry free I usually opt for flats and a cross body bag so I can dance all day (and night) without worrying about anything. Gladiator sandals are such a versatile option and there are some fun twists to the classic. My handbag is where I like to add a bit of ‘flair’ to my giddy-up, just remember…it doesn’t matter how cute it is if you can’t fit anything in it! This year, I have been digging flash tattoos. They are such a great way to wear jewelry that won’t get lost!

Last but not least, this is a mini-marathon not a race, so don’t forget the details like water and sunscreen. Most festivals are over the course of several days so the last thing you want to do is look like a dehydrated lobster by day 3. What bands are you excited to check out this season?


{Images courtesy of FashionCopious.com}