
Surviving Fashion Week in style has its challenges. There’s unpredictable weather, countless coffee runs, wardrobe changes, downloading photos, uploading photos, charging your phone, charging your mophie to charge your phone…you catch my drift. Its a shit-storm, but its fabulous! Luckily, after 6 seasons in this ruckus I have discovered a few tips and tricks of the trade to get through a week of non-stop runway shows, events, parties, after parties (and after the after parties) in one stylish piece.

In fact, I have realized that it doesn’t matter what coast you are on, city survival is pretty universal so brought these tips with me to survive life in San Diego as well. When you work from home, or in a creative field that doesn’t have a 9-5 schedule or a designated office space, life can get a bit unpredictable with events and last minute client meetings so its nice to be prepared.  Here are some of my fave essentials to handle city life like a #girlboss…

The Oversized Tote

Pretend you are a turtle and your tote bag is your shell,  in other words…your tote needs to be able to hold all of your daily essentials and should reflect your personality.

The Commuter Flat

Unless you have a bank account that permits Ubering around town with reckless abandon just trust me on this one, you’ll want to wear commute friendly shoes to avoid ruining your favorite heels…and your feet.

Go-To Sunnies

Tired? Hungover? Famous? No one knows! That is the beauty of a good pair of sunglasses! Rather than wasting a bunch of money on trendy pairs season after season, I have opted to embrace a more classic route and stick with Ray-Bans…but that’s just me. Do you.


There are few things I love more than walking through the city while listening to my favorite playlist.


I am old school when it comes to taking notes on blog topics, runway inspiration and the other musings throughout the day. Sometimes just because there is an app for that, doesn’t mean you have to use it! ;p

Make-up Bag

Usually I keep my look pretty clean so I don’t spend half the day re-applying my face. Ususally I stick with Laura Mercier face powder, my lip color of the moment, a hair tie and some black liner in case I am need to amp up the drama. {PS. This can also double as a clutch in a pinch!}

P.S. One thing I left off of the list is a good camera. Nowadays, there isn’t much an iPhone can’t do…except take polaroids! So when I go to special occasions and outings a lot of the time I will bring one I found at Urban Outfitters with me! Speaking of special occasions…have a fun Labor Day, hopefully you’re not working! 😉