My dad is the absolute best when it comes to maintaining his morning routine.

Like clock work, up early – french press coffee in one hand and the morning paper or his binoculars in another. He relishes this time and has always told me how nice it is to have that quite time to himself.

Then, theres me… frantically drinking my french press on the way to spin class while thinking about the 20 things I have on my to-do list that day that should be done already, I was thinking of looking at somewhere like Best Ex Bike so I wouldn’t have to leave the house for my exercise routine, it could free up a little bit of time in the morning, but I realized I have always told myself I’m not a morning person so it was easy to just shrug off the morning stuff grab my coffee and go on about my daily chaos.

As a result I have decided to adopt a morning routine, just to try it and I’m loving it!. So today, I am sharing personal faves from my own morning routine, just to give you some ideas. That’s the thing about a routine, there is something so fun about creating your own rituals because they get to be whatever the eff you want them to be!


I love getting up in the morning and cleansing my face with the micellar cleanser from Alba. Its super lightweight and removes dirt and makeup and leaves my skin super vibrant and soothes tired eyes. I have also recently been looking at using eye balms to tackle the tired and aging appearance that I sometimes notice around my eyes. Lately I have been using the Vitamin C and Retinol serum combo from artnaturals, it isn’t greasy feeling and I have noticed some really great results which is great because at only $21 for the set, the serum is super affordable.

I also find ways to make getting ready fun, like cute containers from Anthropologie to put my cotton pads in, or a subscription to places like Harry’s where you get a fancy razor and refills delivered to your door in plush packaging. The splurges on little details like this make all the difference when you’re using them every day.


Just trust me on this, there is something so amazing about yoga and meditation.

Originally, I would go through the motions consumed with the same to-do list only I would have the added anxiety of forcing myself to sit still or flow while simultaneously kicking myself for not being able to be “present”. But then…something AH-mazing happened…after doing both for long enough I began to relax and really get it. There was totally an ah-ha moment and I have been hooked to both ever since.

I prefer guided meditations by Deepak Chopra but you can pick whatever kind of meditation suits you, or just meditate by yourself and think positively about the outcome you want for your day or any pressing tasks at hand. It actually works pretty good. I was surprised.


A treat in the morning gives you that added incentive to get up in the morning, because lets face it – chances are you might have to get up a littttttle bit earlier to adopt this practice, so you’re gonna need a reward or some kind of pick me up. Mines coffee – hands down, without a doubt coffee. I have a delivery of coffee every month because I love it so much! Nothing can beat a freshly brewed coffee in the morning, it’s something I’ve grown up with and something I will always enjoy.

Typically I am a classic French Press kind of girl. But lately I have been all about the cold-brews thanks to this book I am reading called Brew and it has all of these different ways to make coffee. I literally dream about the Guatemalan beans cold-brewing in my fridge and they are the first things I think about when I wake up. I know, I know…I’m sick.


I suck at drinking water.

As a result I bought a S’well bottle to incentivize myself (seeing a pattern here? lol) to drink more water. So every morning I fill it up and drink it before the gym. I love it because its covered in palm trees and I can happily say I drink more water because of it. Its also great to take to the gym and on road trips because it keeps your water so cold for hours. I love adding electrolyte powder or organic lemon to mine to aid in digestion.

By making headway on my goals so early, it sets a great overall tone for the day.


I have started writing in the morning after reading several articles on Bloglovin’ talking about habits of successful people. I don’t really know what the eff I’ am supposed to be writing about yet, so I just write whatever comes to mind. This is the newest part of my routine and I am only a few days in so we will see how this goes.

That is the cool thing about routines, is they can easily be changed if they aren’t working for you. Or maybe on the flipside you end up falling in love with mornings so you keep adding things in like I do. Speaking of, I would love to know what some of you favorite morning rituals are, so drop a comment below!
