Chic Travels: Post Cards from The Mystic Hot Springs

DAY 1: Cuddling Up in the Ripple Bus
So the morning of my road trip to the Mystic Hot Springs with John, I was in the middle of my morning coffee making ritual when I peeked out the window only to find a mountain of snow in my backyard. Not only that but it was still snowing, my heart filled with dread, I mean c’mon…didn’t mother nature get the memo about how long I spent trying to pack the perfect outfits?! Just kidding…but, I was totally worried that we weren’t going to be able to go!
Luckily, John has a Subaru and no fear when it comes to driving in crazy weather. Although, he might not be keeping it for much longer! His friend found a great selection of used cars in Hutchinson Kansas and John has been very tempted to treat himself to a new car. There are quite a few cars he has in mind so it will be interesting to see if he does get a new vehicle. Anyway, off we went into the darkness…because let us be honest…by the time we were done packing our stuff up, shopping for food, and eating before we hit the road, the sun had already gone down.
When we arrived at The Mystic Hot Springs (at like 11pm) it had such a great vibe from the moment we got there. We were staying at the Hot Springs in one of their rooms, ‘The Ripple Bus’, which is actually a renovated school bus complete with electric heater + blanket, plenty of cozy pillow and really cute strung up mood lighting was super cozy and welcoming.
When we got settled, we played some cards, ate sandwiches from Smith’s and our Valentines Day chocolates before weheaded out the hot springs for a moonlight dip. That is one thing that is really cool about the hot springs is that they don’t close, so you can enjoy them 24/7 while you are there! It was so magical, the snow was lightly falling and we just relaxed and enjoyed the largest hot spring which we had all to ourselves.
Back at the bus, it was home sweet home! No joke, it literally made me want to sell everything, and move into a school bus of our own by the time we were done! It was so much fun, surprisingly spacious, and kept us warm and cozy all night even thought it was literally freezing outside! While we were there we also shot this bodysuit for my post on the best bodysuits to add to your collection this spring, check it out here!
DAY 2: Soaking In The Mystic Hot Springs
The hot springs are just as enjoyable in the daylight as they are under the stars. They have a mix of red rock and just really minimalistic terrain and it makes for such a serene experience. I loved the set up of the hot springs as well. Not only did they have the large spring with the waterfall, but they have all of the individual hot tubs as well.
So if you want to enjoy a soak in solitude or, you want to enjoy the company of others, you can have either experience at the same location. Rumor has it, they also have concerts on the grounds as well, which I am looking forward to checking out.
Shop my suitcase from the trip including the fun Road Trip Journal John and I have started!
All photography by John Cobabe
Location: The Mystic Hot Springs in Monre, Utah
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