Chic Beauty: 4 Easy Steps to a Brighter Smile

I am super excited to share my first beauty video on the blog today with ya’ll!
As you may know, beauty is a newer topic for me not just on the blog but life in general. As a little girl I loved make up and would always try to get my hands on my moms latest shade of lipstick but as I got older I transformed into a total tomboy and preferred a much more low-maintenance approach to all things beauty related.
While I still hold true to my all-natural and low key beauty principals I have found there is a very fine line between low-maintenance and NO-maintenance and so it is important to find a beauty routine that works with your daily schedule so that it is easier to keep it up and not skip on busy days!
As an avid coffee drinker one of the biggest areas of focus for me is keeping my teeth healthy, straight and white! Visiting my huntington beach family dentist every six months is definitely the most important way I can successfully meet all three of those criteria. Moreover, I was inspired to write this post after a recent conversation with my best friend. She has struggled with her teeth for a while now, but a couple of years ago, she found an orthodontist who was able to fit her braces. Just the other day, she was finally able to have her braces removed and the results are stunning. She is so much happier and has not stopped smiling since! That being said, it can be quite hard sometimes to make sure that you are looking after your teeth properly. Sometimes, no matter how well you look after them, you might have to visit a dentist like Dental Implants Denver to help you with your teeth problem. There is nothing worse than feeling self-conscious and with a persons smile being one of the first things people notice, it is really important to maintain good dental hygiene. One of my friends recently got her teeth whitened at Durham Dental General Dentistry in Beaufort, SC, and she was so happy with the results! Seeing her teeth sparkling white made me want to do something about my own smile. This is why I was so excited to discover Bianco Smile, a 100% all natural vegan-based activated charcoal product that not only whitens your teeth without removing its enamel, but it also helps keep the pH balance of your mouth happy and healthy as well!
With 4 simple steps, its really easy to use!
You literally just dip your toothbrush in some water then into the charcoal powder and brush like you normally would. Once you’re done just rinse your mouth and boom! White, happy healthy teeth! I was a little nervous at first to use charcoal on my teeth because…well its black and seems extremely counter intuitive but I gave it a go anyways and was extremely happy with the results and how easily it fits into my low-key beauty routine!
Check out the full video for the step by step and make sure to check Bianco Smile out, they not only help you with a whiter smile but they give a portion of all proceeds to Smile Train which helps children all over the world who suffer from a cleft palate. Get a smile, give a smile! 🙂
This post was sponsored by Bianco Smile – a brand I genuinely support for their cruelty free beauty products!
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