Is it just me, or are sleepless nights the worst?! Earlier this week I was up until 5 am but I totally admit it was totally my doing, I have been super busy lately and living caffeine, so I had not one but TWO venti coffees that day (one of them I polished off at 8 pm) and as a result, I had the worst case of insomnia ever! That was probably one of the worst decisions, but at least I know not to do what again! If you deal with insomnia every night and you feel like you’ve tried everything, maybe checking out how a product such as platinum og could potentially have a positive impact on you dealing with your insomnia better than before. You might not have thought about going down this route before, but you never know if you don’t try and I’m sure you’ll do what you can to get a good night’s sleep. If using CBD related products is something that’s new to you, it wouldn’t hurt to do some research beforehand. There are many benefits that products like cbd capsules 50mg or CBD oils is said to have on our health, so knowing this beforehand may be beneficial. Hopefully getting a good night’s sleep will happen soon enough.

Turns out drinking coffee after 2pm is going to keep you awake and lack of sleep can lead to crazy side effects like weight gain…saaaay what?! Not to mention the fact that nothing makes you realize how important sleep is like the morning after a restless night! I woke up seeing the world through rose-colored glasses…but the exact opposite. The next day I was like a grumpy cat and everything and I mean everything was pissing me off!

I’ve had problems sleeping in the past too. At my old house, there was a series of break-ins in the local area so I just couldn’t get to sleep because I was overthinking. We ended up installing a better security alarm and outdoor home security cameras which gave me peace of mind to get to sleep, to which then I noticed that my mattress wasn’t as it used to be, no longer as comfortable or allowing me to truly rest like I once was, I went ahead and looked at better mattress brands and bought myself a new mattress to which I couldn’t be happier with.

So…I decided to look into what tips and tricks there are for helping someone get a good nights rest, here are my top 3 tried and true methods kiss restless nights goodbye and get a great night of rest :

C&D SLEEP TIP NO.1: create a nightly routine

Good sleep starts way before we hit the hay! It starts with healthy habits like cutting the caffeine at a decent hour and avoiding TV (and late-night scrolling) at least an hour before bed. It may sound silly but set a bedtime for yourself so you can get a full eight hours of sleep and you don’t accidentally binge-watch an entire TV series on Netflix.

C&D SLEEP TIP NO. 2: treat yo’ self’

When you spend 1/3 of your life sleeping you may as well make the most of that time! Create a nightly ritual, enjoy a good magazine and a scented candle, give yourself a facial, get comfy PJ’s, invest in a good silk sleeping mask, take nice long baths anything to wind down from the daily grind.

C&D SLEEP TIP NO 3: meditate

Dude…I am so serious. Now I listen to Deepak Chopra on the reg and its the cats pajamas! – I play one of his YouTube guided meditations on my iPhone then set it on my nightstand and BOOM, its morning! Not only does it help me sleep, I have found it is very helpful in both my business and personal life. Meditation helps focus on my intentions and helps me keep calm in stressful situations by literally breathing through them.