Super excited to be taking a week to unplug(ish) at the beach in Newport this weekend with my boyfriend and his fam. Since we are beach bound I am vowing to limit the amount of work I take with me and truly just enjoy some RnR and replace all of my work folders with bikinis and all of my power cords and chargers with sunnies. Check out my tips for worry free packing and shop some of my fave essentials below!

When it comes to packing for a trip like this, less is more…literally. I only pack a carry-on too FYI – this is the only way to guarantee the safe arrival of your luggage. Hence, why I love beach vacations – all you really need is a bikini (okay, okay like 5 bikinis), some sunnies, sunblock and a good book. You can even bring a towel and still pack light – these sand-free towels from Evolve Travel Goods fold up to the size of a burrito, so won’t take up precious space in your bag.

As for our next vacation though, we have been looking at some trips to antarctica, so I have a feeling that I might need to pack a few more costume changes in my suitcase apart from a few bikinis. I have always wanted to go to Antarctica. The South Pole fascinates me so when some friends of ours went on a cruise last year I just knew that I would want to go on a similar trip one day. It is still early days for us, but as soon as we get some details sorted out I will be sure to let you know our plans.

Anyway, enough about my dreams of visiting Antarctica, let us get back to my packing tips. I’ve made the mistake of meticulously planning my outfits before, brought a hair dryer and all of my makeup and can honestly say I used the hairdryer maybe once, and wore the same thing 3 days in a row. I mean who wants to blow dry their hair or change outfits instead of enjoying ice cream on the boardwalk?! I guess a part of experiencing beach living is relishing in the joie de vivre of having nothing to do, letting your self be carefree and leaving all of the unnecessary extras at home.

So this trip I am only packing the beach necessities – leaving the blowdryer at home and seeing where the week takes me. My only two questions (and packing advice for you) are:

  1. Will it get wrinkled if I literally throw it in my carryon? (If no, then…)
  2. How much space will it take up? In other words, think sundresses and bikinis not ball gowns and bulky sweaters

Yep, that’s it. In need of some packing inspo for a trip of your own? Below I have rounded up some of my favorite weekend getaway essentials including the perfect weekender duffle bag I scored at Forever 21 for only $40! It holds a TON of stuff, is super easy to keep clean and looks really chic to boot! Check out my other getaway essentials including my fave Instax Polaroid camera to capture the moments you don’t want to forget! If you need some more packing tips you can also check out some of my other posts here!