Navigate the Airport Like a Jetsetter

With spring in the air, I am totally itching to travel – ok, ok so when am I not itching to travel?! Travelling is such a huge part of my life, and it’s the same for a lot my friends too. One of my best friends is always finding her own private flights on apps like Jettly, that’s how much she loves travelling! Another one of my friends enjoys going to the UK on long vacations to take in the British air, see historic buildings, and visit wonderful cities filled with culture. Every time she visits she always takes a taxi, similar to this Manchester Airport Taxi straight to the hotel so she can save time before going out exploring. It’s pretty much one of the favorite things about traveling.
That being said, one of my favorite things about traveling is getting dressed for the airport…yes, I’m serious! I mean, there is something about walking through the airport holding my passport and pashmina in one hand and a fresh cup of coffee and the latest glossies in the other that just makes my heart sing.
I know that for some of you even the word airport elicits an immediate shudder and I don’t blame you. Lets face it, unless you are flying on a private jet from somewhere like then chances are you are going to have to deal with wardrobe malfunctions in the security line, scuffles involving your luggage and the overhead bins and the possibility of delayed flights or annoying passengers.
Well my friends, I am here to help because once you learn how to navigate the airport with ease, you can focus on more important things, like what to wear on your trip! Yay!
So read on an check out 3 helpful hacks I have picked up for navigating the airport like a jetsetter:
Play By the Rules
We all know the drill, shoes off…same goes for your belt, rings, sweater and dignity (along with whatever else is in your pockets that is making the machines beep over and over again), liquids under 3 oz only and take your laptop out of its case and put it in a separate bin. We’ve all heard these rules a million times, but what surprises me is how many people don’t follow them! I know they’re annoying and they have you wishing you could afford charter flights instead, but there’s no way round them!
I promise that if you wait to put all ninety of your midi rings and layering necklaces on until after you are through security, you will already start your day off better because you won’t be awkwardly holding up the line barefoot while trying to find a ‘safe place’ to put your favorite jewelry for the 5 second x-ray. My fave way to keep my accessories safe while I travel? A cute jewelry roll that I easily fits in my handbag!
BTW- Ditto with the 12oz hairspray – don’t gamble that it will ‘slide through’ security…you will lose and end up having to throw it and your good mood away.
No WIFI? No Problem
So there I was, fresh new playlist on Spotify and a 3 hour flight to enjoy it…that is until I realized that in order to play such a playlist I would need to have ‘downloaded’ it first so it was available offline. Whoopsies! I have also stepped on a plane planning on getting all my work done, only to find out that WIFI was not available on the flight! WTF? Another personal fave? Using all my phones battery to take pictures of clouds (ok and a few selfies) only to kill my battery by the time I landed and needed to actually use it to acquire transportation.
When booking your flight, pay attention! Each airline often discloses if the flight has WIFI and USB outlets available. Always charge your phone, and carry your charger or a (portable charger) and a set of headphones with you, and for the love of music…download your fave playlists ahead of time! So, basically do everything I did…but the exact opposite and you should be good to go.
I also like stash a granola bar and a good book in my handbag for the flight…just in case.
Get Comfortable…but not too comfortable
Flights can be long and somewhat uncomfortable, so it can be really easy to give into temptation and just wear your IDGAF pajamas. I totally get it…but before you throw on a Unicorn onesie keep in mind that you may also meet your future husband (or business associate) on that very flight. Not to mention the fact that unless that onesie has a trap door – you will find out just what a bad decision it was after one too many cups of coffee and a long line for the loo (same rules apply for rompers).
So what to wear? I thought you’d never ask! Athleisure is a great way to go espeically if you like being comfy! Throw on your favorite lululemon leggings or sweat pants, a cute statement T and a lightweight leather jacket and voila – instead of being mistaken for a misplaced Sesame Street character, people will think you’re Kendall Jenner. Another fave combo among A-listers? Skinny jeans, a loose fitting top, and cardigan or pashmina that can easily fit in your handbag. The key to a put together airport look is to wear pieces that layer well and don’t wrinkle.
When traveling I will always and I mean always advise for you to ditch the heels and opt for flats – when you find yourself running from one plane to the next in order to make a connecting flight I promise you will thank me. Oversized sunnies are also great to keep handy in case you have a chatty neighbor, just throw those babies on plug in your headphones and its like you are on vacay already.
There you have it peeps! Top secrets for navigating the airport and airport style like you were born to travel. Would love to hear any tricks of the trade you might have to add so drop a comment below! Bon Voyage!
Jetsetter Tank Top – Living Dreams
Ready to Rulu Sweatpants – lululemon (seriously the most AH-mazing sweatpants ever)
Faux Leather Jacket – Forever 21 (Similar here)
Dash and Splash Cap – lululemon
White Sneakers – Jack Purcell Converse
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