
I don’t know about you, but year after year I tend to write these long lists of resolutions I want to stick to starting Day 1 of a new year…and  year after year they get lost in my day planner never to be seen again. In spite of my best intentions they are either too vague (drink more water), unrealistic (stop eating sweets) or too difficult to attain (write 1 quality blog per day). Not a good feeling. So this year I have decided to do things a little differently.

If you are anything like me, you may focus a lot of attention on the person you want to be and don’t take a whole lot of time to appreciate how far you have come. Well, 2015 is the year to celebrate the successes no matter how small they are, live in the moment and enjoy the little things in life! I scoured  the web for some new ways to re-vamp my idea of resolutions that are attainable, achievable and fun!

1. Lauren Conrad’s Questionnaire: Such a fun questionnaire that includes things like ‘foods I want to eat more of’ and ‘a place I’d like to visit’. Its like a bucket list but better!

New Years Resolutions

2. Somewhat Simple’s Printable:  I fell in love with this printable version of fill in the blank resolutions that you can frame!



3. Buzzfeed’s Rememberlutions Jar: For all of my DIY peeps this is awesome! Decorate a Mason jar and set it on your desk or counter. Everytime you achieve something you want to remember (no matter how big or small) drop it in your jar. At the end of 2015 empty it out and recap all the fab things you did!


Have a fabulously fun New Year’s Eve, be safe and as always…
