When my dad was in town, we headed down to my favorite place in San Diego…La Jolla. In fact, when I moved here, I didn’t stop at my place, I drove straight to La Jolla Cove and took my dog Brooklyn to the Beach. La Jolla Cove has without a doubt some of the best food, shopping, art galleries, and oh yeah…the ocean!

Well, as my dad and I were strolling around I mentioned that I had been wanting to check out the art gallery for a local artist who’s work I had seen around town. Shane Bowden does not run your typical kind of art gallery. From his his hot pink skull and peace sign branding, to the electric color palettes that grace his canvas, it was love at first sight.

His pieces are a style savants dream come true with a range varying from Vogue covers, and Chanel No. 5 bottles to Karl Lagerfeld and David Bowie. Shane not only has variety, but pulls off a juxtaposition in his pieces that is both raw and sophisticated.

One of the coolest things about his work, is that his price-range is incredibly affordable as well. I picked up a decent-sized piece from his Chanel collection (framed) for $150! This was the perfect starting point for me to start my ‘official art collection’ because not only is it is affordable, his pieces look great together so my collection can grow!

That’s the whole thing about an art collection, is that it grows to be just that, a collection! So when selecting a piece I tried to think in a bigger picture perspective not just jump at the first piece that caught my eye. I also read articles like https://hamiltonselway.com/fine-art-buyers-guide, to learn more about art collections before I started mine. I didn’t want to buy a worthless piece after all! I also made sure to carefully consider my current decor, and general sense of style to make sure it would be cohesive with the rest of my surroundings. Its funny, because it is basically the same process I go through when shopping for items to add to my closet!

Make sure to check out his pieces online at http://www.shanebowden.com/, or if you are local, head on over to my Yappee Profile for info on his gallery and other fun places to check out around San Diego!


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