
Do you covet Carrie’s closet in SATC: The Movie as much as I do? While we all might not be lucky enough to enjoy a closet the size of a small boutique this does not mean this space should be shunned! I am a huge fan of realizing the potential in what I have to work with, and making the best of it. How great would it feel to walk into your closet every morning and feel like you are in a customized boutique made just for you?!

Now that you have cleaned out your closet and rid yourself of unwanted threads (check out my recent post Let Go Already!), you can create a customized space all your own! You may be wondering how sprucing up such a minimal space can make such a huge impact, but think about it…when you go shopping at your favorite boutique what is it about the space that you love? Personally, I love the color coordination, neat folding, wooden hangers and bright lighting. Feel the thrill of shopping every time you walk into your closet with these easy to execute tips, and create a closet even Carrie Bradshaw would envy.

Paint a Picture: Paint is one of the cheapest and easiest ways to make an impact inside a closet. My apartment in Scottsdale was a cheery bright white, but one day as I was flipping through the one of my favorite books The Ellements of Personal Style, and I noticed a photo where the closet was painted a Tiffany’s blue with white lacquer cabinets. Not even a week had gone by and I was already at Lowes with a hand full of paint samples and a roller brush…less than 2 hours later voilà my closet had an instant face lift.

Saving Space: Now that you’ve made the final edits to your closet there are a few tricks I have picked up to maximize your space. The first time I redid my closet I bought a bunch of wooden hangers because I thought they looked good. Not only do they cost way more but they take up double the space which is no bueno! I now use felt wrapped space saving hangers, they come in different colors so you can select one that suits your personal style and the color scheme of your closet.

New Heights: My new closet in San Diego is still a decent size, but no where as big as my digs in AZ! As a result I am having to get way more creative with my space and make sure that I am utilizing every nook and cranny! Rather than buy moving boxes that I would just get rid of, I went to the Container Store and bought clear bins that I could re-purpose as storage later on! They were roughly the same price and have been a saving grace! I have used them to store handbags under my bed, shoes that are out of season and other odds and ends like swimwear. The best part is they are clear so I can easily see whats going on in there! My closet also has shelving on different levels which can be a great way to store items like shoes, hats and luggage. The less I use the item, the higher the shelf! You could look into installing aesthetically pleasing sliding closet doors to really improve the image of your closet with what is a relatively simple installation, considering the effect it will make.

Hardwear & Hampers: If you have cabinets in your closet check out the handles, this is a great place to add a personal touch at very little cost. Anthropologie has some really cool handles and knobs that can update your look in minutes! Laundry hampers are a necessary evil, I bought a small one on purpose so that I am forced to keep up on my laundry! Fairly cheap options can be found anywhere from Ikea to World Market. Remember. the devil is in the details!

Lights, Camera…: Lighting is a big one for me. I cannot stand dim or dingily lit spaces of any kind and my closet is certainly no exception. Find bulbs that emit bright light and if you have the space, use fixtures that add personal style elements to the space like chandeliers or other lampshades. You might even want to invest in wall mounted steel lights. I suppose what I am trying to say is that the lighting in your closet absolutely needs to be as bright and airy as possible so that you can quickly pick out what you need without needing to fumble through any dark corners. With this in mind, if the lighting in your closet is far from ideal, you might want to reach out to an electrician. Essentially, an electrician can help you to create a lighting system to ensure that your closet is lit in the best possible way. Not sure where to begin? Simply head to where you can discover some of the amazing ways that an electrician can boost the lighting in your closet.

Get in Line: The organization of your closet is crucial. Everything should have its place to prevent having to search too long for any particular item. I have organized my closet by style of the item then by color. Any items that you love but cannot wear simply due to the season should be stored. To keep my closet clutter free and prevent having to do a mah-jor makeover every year I also keep a shopping bag in my closet so that as I get dressed I can toss any clothing with stains, tears etc. as I go.

Details, Details: Accessories can become a bit of a cluster if you don’t create an easy to maintain way to organize them. There are many wall mounted jewelry hangers, jewelry boxes etc. to help, it just depends on what your personal taste gravitates towards. I found a unique solution in the form of an antique looking birdhouse that has ample room for my array of bangles and necklaces. Scarves and belts can easily be stored in clear trays, or on hangers specifically designed for this purpose. Look around your house or even at thrift stores like Goodwill, you will be surprised at the amount of functional options there are to store your items in cute but creative ways!

Mirror, Mirror: A full length mirror is the perfect finishing touch for your personalized boutique. Now that all of your fashion must haves are neatly displayed, its important to have a mirror that captures your whole look. Finding a mirror with a cool frame is another great way to add a personal touch, there are also over the door options if your space is fairly limited.


Just remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day! If this project seems a bit daunting, simply break it into segments. My closet has taken me about 2 months to complete, in fact, I am still in search of the perfect place to store my clutches and evening bags. Pinterest is a great place to start so you can create a clear vision for what you want the finished product to look like. It can also help to walk the mall and visit boutiques and stores that you love shopping in. Think outside the box, have fun with it and as always…


{Photos courtesy of Harper’s Bazaar}